“Your visions will become clear
only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.”
- Carl Jung
Teotihuacan and Mexico City
October 16th - 26th, 2025
Open to the Miracle of Extraordinary Energy at Teotihuacan.
Surrender Fear and Self Limitation!
Allow the Energy of Creation to Introduce you to your Pure Essence
Teotihuacan is a 2000-year-old archeological UNESCO site, a fascinating physical place.
But, it is much more than that! It is known as 'the place where humans become divine'!
Exquisite energies exist there that support the deconstruction of outmoded habitual ways of being and assist in the ‘uploading’ of a regenerated, more vibrant, more authentic self in relation to Spirit.
Come together with other women in this place; as women have gathered here for centuries, making magic, weaving stories, supporting each other in losses and gains. We will learn ways to support one another, experiencing expansion and regeneration before we step back into a world where powerful well-resourced women are needed!
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Events, Groups & Retreats
Antonia is a dynamic and warm group leader, and has a passion for facilitating workshops, retreats and groups. She has led groups for women, couples, shamanic ‘medicine work’, transformational work, expressive arts therapy and bioenergetics (somatic) groups, and ‘Listening Mother’ groups.
Besides her private practice, Antonia leads groups for people interested in shamanic and transformational work.
Check out upcoming events, workshops and retreats below!
If you are interested in starting a group with friends, community or company, let's connect.
Antonia has taught Indigenous Healing Practices at Bastyr University as an adjunct faculty member, and has led groups teaching the Andean (Peruvian) tradition of the Medicine Wheel and has facilitated many different Toltec or other shamanic workshops.
She has worked with indigenous shamans and medicine people in Peru, Mexico and Colombia, and has hosted shamans, such as “Grandmother Nadia” from as far away as Siberia, and Francis Rico from California. Antonia is very grateful for all she has learned from them.
Groups & Ceremonies
Spiral Medicine Wheel,
A Transformational Group For Women
A women’s program designed to bring women back to their natural connection with their bodies, minds, and spiritual connection, to empower and direct clear purpose in the world.
Check out the upcoming Spirit Medicine Wheel workshops listed above.
Antonia teaches Shamanic journey and Shamanic practices. Learn more here.
Shamanic Journeying & Shamanic Practices
Fire Ceremony
Antonia offers periodic fire ceremonies on her property on Vashon Island. These events are free and open to anyone. Fire ceremonies give participants an opportunity to bring personal and spiritual concerns to the fire for release and rejuvenation.
Pronounced mih-toe-tay, Mitote, is an ancient Mexican shamanic dreaming ceremony. Participants work with the elements in nature, and enter into a light trance state. The practice includes sleeping and waking throughout the night to induce a hypnogogic state. Increased awareness and deep insights, awareness, and healing can occur.
Next Mitote: Summer 2023 ~ stay tuned!
Despacho Ceremony
Despacho Ceremony is a traditional Peruvian ceremony where prayers are built inside of a paper bundle. Candies, foods and other natural elements are used to build a beautiful ‘mandala’ of living prayers. The despacho is either buried, burned or floated in a ceremonial way afterward. Despachos are very effective and are typically done for major life transitions, healing, gratitude, ‘ayni’ (right relationship). They are effective for individuals, businesses, groups or special occasions.